"Copyright is a form of protection given to the authors or creators of original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and other intellectual work." Whenever you create a poem, a paper, a website, a podcast, a drawing, or other artwork, you automatically own the copyright to it.
"Copyright Basics." Copyright Kids! The Copyright Society of the U.S.A., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2013.
A student does their own work unless collaboration is specifically directed by the teacher. Collaboration, when allowed, means equal participation in the process by two or more people. Peer editing is a good example.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not exclusive to:
looking at another student’s test or quiz while taking an assessment
having another person (parent, tutor, peer, etc.) write or contribute to answers without the teacher's permission
using another’s work without attributing/citing the source (below) – especially copying and pasting from the internet and/or another student's paper, test, or quiz
copying another's work, including homework, papers, tests, or quizzes
copying, duplicating, and repurposing work regardless of how it happened
assisting others with any of the above and beyond.
using generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and content to outline, write, create, edit, or use as your own work, including but not limited to essays, assignments, and exams.
With the significant increase in the popularity and availability of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology, including ChatGPT, Grammarly Premium, Sudowrite, and others, clarity is needed to help guide student use and expectations. To maintain a culture of integrity and respect, generative AI technology is not allowed to be used in the assistance, process, and completion of work, including but not limited to essays, assignments, and exams without permission from the teacher assigning the work.
To avoid plagiarism, the following must be attributed/cited in text note immediately after the passage (see examples below) AND in work cited/bibliography:
all paraphrasing of a paragraph or idea must be attributed
copying 4 or more words must be attributed
all quotations “must be attributed”
images must be attributed
video or audio clips must be attributed
interviews must be attributed
Protocol for Review:
The teacher will discuss the infraction in question with the department head, or another department member if the teacher is the department head.
If they both feel that a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy has occurred, they will discuss it with the grade dean and the advisor.
The student will meet with their teacher, the advisor, and the grade dean, unless the advisor is the teacher, in which case the student will meet with their teacher and the grade dean. The department head should always be in the loop. It is essential students represent themselves honestly. The student’s response and reflection are at the center of and the most relevant in our assessment of the situation.
If that meeting concludes that the Academic Honesty Policy has been violated, there will be a reflection component and session to review the situation and ways to avoid academic dishonesty in the future.
The advisor will inform the student’s parents.
Grade Dean will document the incident.
Penalties/Actions for academic dishonesty will include:
grade reduction, with the possibility of no credit for plagiarized work
notification of the grade dean, department head, advisor, and parents (as noted above)
Additional consequences may include:
additional work/work revision – but for reduced credit
potential further disciplinary action
a written reflection by the student on the incident
session with librarian reviewing how to prevent plagiarism
Repeat offenses will have more severe consequences to be discussed and determined by the advisor, teacher, department head, librarian, grade dean and MS Director.