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At the Middle School, our TUP is more than just this document. Our TUP review of Our Digital Community Culture is interactive and multi-faceted. In addition to this document review, students will:


  • Receive 2 Modules of classroom instruction highlighting the specifics of Digital Footprint, Privacy, Off-task Behavior (specifically gaming and social media during school hours), Communicating Online, and Dealing with Digital Drama.

  • Review and Complete the TUP: Digital Community Culture Google Form Assessment 

  • Receive reminders through both the use of infographics and teacher reminders of TUP expectations through the lens of our BB&N Motto: Honor, Scholarship, Kindness. 


As members of online communities, we work to make choices that uphold our commitment to the BB&N School Motto: Honor, Scholarship, Kindness.  We acknowledge that how we choose to use technology and show up online is an expression of who we are. Those choices represent us and can create a permanent digital footprint that may be accessed even if deleted.*



You are responsible for your online reputation and for protecting your and others’ privacy.

  • Think before you click

  • Avoid oversharing

  • Keep passwords and personal identifying information private (email addresses, phone numbers, mail addresses, names, photos, videos, etc.)



Avoid online activities that are off-task or a distraction.

  • Social Media (never allowed at school): online games*, iMessage, online chat, scrolling

    • *Practice, review, and repetition are central to fostering skill development and educational objectives. With that in mind, games approved and assigned by teachers for educational purposes are permitted (Gimkit, etc.)  Similarly, databases offered by BB&N Libraries are permitted (NYT, etc.)

  • Media: unassigned eBooks, videos, music, TV shows/movies/shorts, podcasts, earbuds without a teacher’s permission

  • Academic: work or preparation for a different class 

Include proper citations in your academic work when using content from sources online (or otherwise).**



Engage in positive behavior and interactions online.

  • Respect the viewpoints and ideas of others

  • Disagree respectfully 

  • Do not write or forward unkind words or rumors; do not reshare negativity.

  • Do not write to or share full class/group emails without permission


Any violation of these expectations can result in an automatic reflection with potential review by Grade Deans and Middle School Director.

*The bulleted examples are not intended to be an exhaustive list of Dos and Don’ts. To seek clarification, students are expected to ask educators or caregivers for guidance. Students can and should always expect a conversation around any and all of our expectations. 

**Referenced and acknowledged in the Academic Honesty Policy/AHP.**

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Updated 2025

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